Results of T-shirts raffle

On March 30, 2019 we performed a raffle of T-shirts among participants of online contests “Phystech School 2019” and its Russian version “Школа Физтеха 2019”.

List of winners:

Participants of  "Phystech School 2019" 

Janina Cupp, Concord, MA, U.S.A.
Daneel Nizamov, Calgary, AB, Canada
Nubaira Milki, Toronto, ON, Canada 
Dora Su, Toronto, ON, Canada

Participants of  "Школа Физтеха 2019" (in Russian)

Гомзяков Константин, г. Большой Камень, Приморский край, Россия
Кучеренко Фёдор, г. Запорожье, Украина
Назаренко Валерия, г. Дергачи, Харьковская область, Украина
Олийник Архип-Владимир, г. Киев, Украина
Рогач Вадим, г. Харьков, Украина
Черных Тамара, г. Харьков, Украина
Щербак Константин, пгт. Золочев, Харьковская область, Украина

You won? Here is what happens next:

Each winner will receive an e-mail with further instructions. If you are in the list above, and don’t receive the e-mail by April 3, please contact us at